I love technology, specifically twitter. Jason Dykstra (@jasondyk) and I have been talking for about a month or so and jointly decided to put together a twitter chat specifically for professionals in the ADR field (mediators, facilitators, ombuds, conflict coaches, negotiators, etc.).

Will you join us? Ok, firstly you might be asking what is a twitter chat? Well, lucky for you Jason recently wrote a blog post explaining it [HERE]

"...The chat will include 5-8 questions, that will be spaced out throughout the hour, for you to answer, comment on, comment on other people's answers, ask questions, etc. The chat is basically a dialogue, a conversation between fellow conflict resolution professionals discussing the topic at hand..."

Also, @prosperitygirl wrote a fantastic blog post giving a great overview on twitter chats and how it works [HERE]. The tips include:
  1. Read the stream
  2. Follow the moderator
  3. Listen
  4. Follow the rules
  5. Be helpful
  6. Add to the conversation
  7. Keep to the point
  8. Arrive on time
  9. Be benevolent
  10. Show gratitude
  11. Give back
Click the link above to read more on each of these points.
We hope to see you on Wednesday, August 31st at 8pm est.

Views: 221


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