Workshop on How to Conduct Mediations via Skype – November 30, 2012 – Honolulu Hawaii

When: Noon to 1:00PM - Friday, November 30, 2012

Where: HSBA Conference Room, 1100 Alakea St. 10th Fl. - Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Description: Giuseppe Leone, founder and project manager of the ACR Hawai sponsored pilot project Virtual Mediation Lab will demonstrate how mediations can be efficiently conducted utilizing inexpensive, available and easily accessible software tools such as Skype and Google Docs.

Cost: FREE. Seating is limited!

This workshop is sponsored by:

>> Hawaii State Bar Association – ADR Section
>> Association for Conflict Resolution – Hawaii Chapter
>> Mediation Center of the Pacific
>> Hawaii Center for ADR

For more information contact Lou Chang by phone (808) 384-2468 or email

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