Family Asset Division with Smartsettle Infinity from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.

Even though the law might say that family assets are to be divided 50/50, exactly how to do this can be complicated.  When separating spouses are no longer communicating, do not agree on the values and have complex asset mixes it makes a bad situation even worse . Smartsettle Family Resolutions, using the Smartsettle Infinity eNegotiation system, has a process for parties that are motivated to reach agreement that will move them from competition to cooperation in spite of their differences. This webinar will include a simulation showing how an estranged couple can use Smartsettle to create a separation agreement.  We will show how it will simplify their negotiation by modelling their own preferences, including tax implications of their decisions, so that they are able to clearly compare different alternatives and come to an outcome that maximizes their joint satisfaction based on those preferences. 

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Ernest Thiessen is a top level Certified Smartsettle Facilitator. Dr.Thiessen is also the Founder and President of Smartsettle (iCan Systems Inc). He has led iCan’s development team since 1993 in to create the world’s first comprehensive  negotiation system. The Smartsettle eNegotiation system is based on research that Ernest directed at Cornell University, where he received a PhD in Civil Engineering with a specialty in Water Resources Systems Planning and Analysis. Ernest also directs the… [more]
James is a Mediate BC Family Mediation Roster member and holds two degrees; a BA from Trinity Western University and an MA from the University of Calgary. James is passionate about helping families resolve difficult problems and find a good way forward.  As a result he is constantly increasing his knowledge and awareness of best practice.  Most recently he participated in an Intelligent Compassion workshop. In addition James has trained for… [more]


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The archive for this webinar is now available. Please take time to see this wonderful demonstration and feel free to continue the conversation in this forum with any questions or comments you may have. Enjoy! Bryan 

Thanks Bryan, I very much appreciated your support and kind words.  Congratulations on a successful Cyberweek!


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