LIVE WEBINAR: Online Dispute Resolution: Not if, but how. Case Manager Product Demo

Online Dispute Resolution: Not if, but how. Case Manager Product Demo

Presented by Clare Fowler


Cyberweek 2013 - Case Manager Product Demo from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.'s Clare Fowler will show you how to streamline your case management.  The marketplace, as well as demands on your time and productivity, have made cloud-based technology a requirement for today's mediation office.  She will discuss best practices for moving clients, contacts, cases, calendar items, and communication into the cloud.  There will be time to ample specific questions for your office.


Check out some these tools here:


Presenter Bio:

Clare received her Doctorate on designing dispute resolution systems for small businesses and her Master's of Dispute Resolution, both from Pepperdine University. She mediates workplace disputes, and has been active in the ADR community since 2000.  Clare serves as Managing Editor at and as Director of Caseload Manager.









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