Open Forum for Sharing Articles, Publications, Applications & Events
Moderated by Ethan Katsh
This forum is intended to encourage the sharing of articles, papers and other materials about ODR. Please post a link to any file you would like included or send the file to katsh at and I will post it for you. In the spirit of this forum, you can access our recent book, Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice at at
Ethan Katsh ( is Director and Founder of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution. He is the author of several books on law and technology and wrote, with Janet Rifkin, the first book on ODR, Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace. Most recently, he was co-editor, with Mohamed Wahab and Daniel Rainey, of Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice. at
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Hi Ethan. I'm going to start the sharing by pointing folks to the VoiceThread I put together in 2010 for Cyberweek exploring the history of the field. While new chapters (literally and figuratively) have been written since then, a good history provides an onramp for newcomers who want to feel in the know. And speaking for myself, as I get older and forget more things, it preserves important stuff as well! Anyway, here's the blog post that provides links to the VoiceThread on ODR History and a movie of an animated timeline.
Hi ethan, Bill, everyone -
I'll start off by sharing a good article by Bryan Farkas on deception in negotiation and mediation face to face and online. Important stuff for practitioners to be aware of:
For an shorter summary, here is my write up of this article, with some commentary and additional sources:
Another item I'd like to share with folks is the online learning module on Communication Theory and ODR that was featured last year in Cyberweek. It explores the idea that different channels of communication have different strengths and weaknesses, and suggests that the old norm of trying to replicate F2F mediation in an online environment is probably not our real goal, but rather we should be aiming to make maximum effective use of the channels that fit the current situation. It draws on the good work of Jelle Van Veenen in "Getting to :-): The potential of online text-based communication to support interest-based dispute resolution."
For a broad overview of the various tools and websites related to ODR, people may find this collection of "pearls" (called a pearltree) on the topic of Technology Assisted Dispute Resolution that I put together informative. In addition to the prior link, I'm going to try and embed it below, but who knows if it will get past the filters on this site.
[@Bill - your Pearltree works fine!]
Hi all - A few months ago, a book in which I have a chapter for on email negotiation went into a second edition, and I sat down to update my chapter, thinking it would take me a few hours. Instead, it took me a couple of months, and the result was a completely different chapter - as sea changes such as the rise of mobile had changed, well, everything. Even now, as I'm waiting for the book to come out, I'm constantly jotting notes down for a future update to the chapter, as things are really changing that fast. I've put the piece up even before it's been published, in order to capture the wisdom of the Cyberweek crowd. Check it out here and tell me what I need to update!
Glad to have the latest on this - I used an earlier piece from you (co-authored?) entitled "You've Got Agreement" in my online Communication Technology and Conflict Course. Great to have the freshest of your fresh thinking.
Bill -
What do you use Pearltrees for?
@Bill - thanks, and I think that piece is still helpful (and, due to fewer space restrictions, and excellent co-authors, is a more in-depth treatment of the subject, particular from a teacher's point of view). Still, it was written in 2009. Seems like a recent piece, until you consider what has happened since then. In 2009, the iPhone (1) was still being released in a new country around the world every month or so! The speed of change, in this field we cleverly signed on to, is amazing.
Hi Ethan. I used the pearltrees tool as a way to organize the ODR web presence some and to be able to quickly point my students in the online course I was teaching to collections of materials. I find that the iPad implementation of the tool is fluid and kind of fun to use for exploring other peoples collections as well.
Ethan Katsh said:
Bill -
What do you use Pearltrees for?
I came across this article a few months ago, and felt it was an impressive sign of maturity of the computer-mediated communication field: If we're up to conducting meta-reviews of emoticon research, what other, conflict-oriented, research might be conducted?
In my continuing commitment to recycling and reuse ;-) I wanted to also call people's attention to the collection of images related to ADR/ODR process that I created for Cyberweek 2012. It is a Pinterest called Visualizing ADR
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