Online Defamation: Issues relevant to Online Dispute Resolution
Presented by Nadina Foggetti
Cyberweek 2013 - Online Defamation: Issues relevant to Online Dispu... from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.
This webinar discusses the feasibility, practicality and challenges of implementing the Mediterranean Model of mediation combined with a restorative justice approach, in processes conducted online, aimed at resolving cases pertaining to the civil and criminal aspects of online defamation.
Presenter Bio:
Nadina Foggetti is an Assistant Professor in international and European Law at the University of Bari, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Political Science. She is mediator in the Center for family in Martina Franca (TA). She is tutor for the Advanced course for Mediator at CRISI scalr Onlus in Bari.
She is exspert for international projects, including Cyberterrorism Project organized by NATO end Swansea University UK;
She is autor of several pieces on ODR, Cybercime, mediation, Internatioanl and EU Law, including:
- Nadina Foggetti, Standards e-Accessibility Definition in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Current Issues and Future Perspectives, in Communication Technology and Law Review, Issue 2012, pp. 56-62.
- Nadina Foggetti, Riconoscibilità del matrimonio islamico temporaneo (Mut'a) e tutela dei diritti umani, in Atti del XVI Convegno della Società Italiana di diritto internazionale – Italian Society of International Law, Napoli, 2012.
- Nadina Foggetti, La tutela del diritto alla vita dell’embrione e del bambino disabili nel diritto europeo ed internazionale, in Annali della II Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Taranto, Bari, 2012, p. 149-162.
- Nadina Foggetti, Cyberterrorism and the reconstruction of customary rule about terrorism of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, in A Multidisciplinary Conference on Cyberterrorism. Final Report,
- Nadina Foggetti, Restorative Justice e tutela delle vittime di reato nel diritto europeo: la direttiva 2012/29/UE, in Mediares n. 20, 2013, in press.
- Nadina Foggetti, Obbligo europeo di mediazione penale e prassi applicativa sul territorio, in Atti del I convegno dei dottorandi e dottori di ricerca pugliesi ADI - Dottorandi a lavoro: efficacia sul territorio dello studio dei giovani ricercatori pugliesi, in press.
For 2pm Eastern/1pm Central/7pm GMT time slots
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this is my pp presentation for my webinar.
Since you are interested in ODR, I thought you might be interested to know that our Virtual Mediation Lab project, which I talked about during today's "Mobile Mediation" live webinar is available and operational in Italian as well.
I am sure that (1) the Italian mediators who participate in our project would like learning more about the approach you presented today; and (2) our online mediation simulations would help you get a better sense of which mediation tasks can be carried out online, and which others are better performed face-to-face - Italian style.
Giuseppe Leone
(Born and raised in Brindisi, Puglia)
Dear Giuseppe,
thank you for your post.
I'm happy to meet you, we have the same Salentine Origin!! I'm born near Brindisi!
I'm very interest in your Virtual Mediation Lab project. let me know how we can interact.
will be a pleasure for me.
this my e mail
best regards,
Giuseppe Leone said:
Since you are interested in ODR, I thought you might be interested to know that our Virtual Mediation Lab project, which I talked about during today's "Mobile Mediation" live webinar is available and operational in Italian as well.
I am sure that (1) the Italian mediators who participate in our project would like learning more about the approach you presented today; and (2) our online mediation simulations would help you get a better sense of which mediation tasks can be carried out online, and which others are better performed face-to-face - Italian style.
Giuseppe Leone
(Born and raised in Brindisi, Puglia)
Hello all, The archive for this webinar is now available and embedded at the top of this page. Please feel free to continue the conversation with any questions or comments within this forum. Enjoy!
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