Artificial Intelligence and ODR

Presented by John Zeleznikow

Cyberweek 2013 - Artificial Intelligence & ODR from The Werner Institute on Vimeo.


Here is the Video John references in the archive:


Lodder and Zeleznikow (2005) have considered how to provide useful decision support for those attempting to resolve disputes online.  Useful techniques include the provision of advice about BATNA s, communication facilities and the ability to receive advice about trade-offs.  In this webinar we elaborate upon the Lodder-Zeleznikow model by giving practical examples.


Presenter bio:

John Zeleznikow is a full professor and Head of the Laboratory for Decision Support and Dispute Resolution at the College of Business, Victoria University.  He has successfully supervised 13 PhD students and received over seven million dollars in research grants.

He has authored numerous journal articles and books on dispute resolution, including:

Lodder, A. and Zeleznikow, J.  2010.  Enhanced Dispute Resolution through the use of Information Technology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.


Abrahams, B., Bellucci, E. and Zeleznikow, J. 2012 Incorporating Fairness into Development of an Integrated Multi-agent Online Dispute Resolution Environment, Group Decision and Negotiation. 21(1):3-28.

Augar, N. and Zeleznikow, J. 2013 Developing Online Support and Counseling to enhance Family Dispute Resolution in Australia. To appear in Group Decision and Negotiation

Lodder, A. and Zeleznikow, J. 2005.  Developing an Online Dispute Resolution Environment: Dialogue Tools and Negotiation Systems in a Three Step Model.  The Harvard Negotiation Law Review.  Vol. 10:287-338.               

Mock, S., Obeidi, A. and Zeleznikow, J. 2012. A Brief Outline of the Israel–Palestinian Conflict. Group Decision and Negotiation

Zeleznikow, J. 2011.  Comparing the Israel – Palestinian dispute to Australian Family Mediation. Group Decision and Negotiation Journal. Published online 28 September 2011



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The archive for this webinar is now available for viewing. It is embedded into this discussion forum above. Please feel free to continue the conversation by posting any comments, questions, or thoughts in this forum. Enjoy! Bryan

Thank you very much for posting this webinar, it was a fascinating discussion on the potential application of Artificial Intelligence into the realm of ODR.  Particularly I found it quite interesting to see the potential parameters used in establishing the decision-making template that would be employed in the "tool".  I also thought that the application of Nash's game theory was interesting.  

I did have one question regarding the template building of the AI.  How would you take account of the potential emotionalism inherent in a stalemate?  While many discussions can be resolved through a purely logical proposal, many cannot.  This system is based largely on mathematical and logical parameters, but what happens when logic leaves the building?  What would happen when one person just gets so mad that they are only making decisions with the intent of hurting the other party?  Unfortunately, people are not always the most logical.  

I know I'm late to the party, but thank you for any response.


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