Hi Everyone.


As we have made it to our last week, I want to say how wonderful it is to read all of everyone's thougths and perspectives.


Chapter 7, "The No Asshole Rule as a Way of Life"

Sutton's Upshot: We are all given only so many hours here on earth. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could travel through our lives without encountering people who bring us down with their demeaning remarks and actions (184)?

What does everyone think of that statement? With what we read in the book, can we make it happen in our own lives?


My other questions is a few general questions about the book as a whole. What did everyone think of it? As people who work or study in the field of conflict, what is your reaction to Sutton's "The No Asshole Rule". Is there anything in the book that may help you in dealing with these type of people? Or any idea he gave that may be improved upon.


This being the last week, I just really want to hear from you your overall thoughts and reactions.


Anyone who has not written yet and has just been reading comments, please feel free to join us in this final week.


**Remember to post in new thread


Thanks everyone. Have a great week.



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Once I accepted the Buddhist position that the world is a difficult place, I found it easier to cope with life's daily demands.  I combine this perspective with my Catholic faith to do my best everyday in the face of adversity, as well as moments of happiness.  More precisely, I embrace the five principles of the Jesuits to guide me along my journey.  This foundation is helpful when dealing with A holes.

I do not accept detachment from reality such as floating along the rapids as a viable coping mechanism when surrounded by difficult people.  One will not last very long in the business world if your mind appears to be elsewhere.  I prefer to live in the moment and act according to the circumstances and the people.  Actually, this is a Jesuit concept to live in the moment and to see God's presence in all events and all people including A holes.  


As I posted earlier, I believe that Sutton's thesis is pedestrian.  His title is the most provocative part of his book.  He lacks depth.  His prescription for eliminating A holes from the world of work is naive and unrealistic. I just met one the other day, and there ain't no way in hell that this person will be weeded out of the organization since he is the CEO or as i prefer to call him, the CAO.  The issue is to cope with the CAO, or the Chief Asshole Officer of the corporation.  It can be done;however, it requires strong survival instincts in the jungle of business which is now ruled by the fittest and the survivors.



Thank you for sharing. From a conflict resolution perspective how could the rule be redefined or restated to work better in your opinion? In coping with these jerks, instead of having the no asshole rule, would it be better to teach coping techniques or conflict skills to the survivors? What are a few skills you think would be best?


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