When Business Departments Collide - Tools for Equitable Solutions

DawnMillerSanderNicole PerrottaZenaZumeta2-200x300

In the dynamics of organizations, there are times when divisions or departments or specific people within these divisions/departments appear to have differing agendas:

  1. Sales leadership implements a CRM system and the sales team views this as an impediment to selling and being in the field
  2. A company division considered a cost center is competing for resources with a division that is revenue generating

These differing agendas can and most likely will create conflict between the divisions. This conflict can result in loss of productivity, low morale, and loss of key personnel. The other, more production option, is to use specific skills to transform that conflict into positive change. Dawn and Nicole from Conflict Transformation Associates, LLC are here to review and discuss the underlying reasons for conflict and the tools to assist in creating positive and equitable solutions.

Dawn Miller Sander is a sales professional by trade, selling technology solutions to Fortune 100-500 firms. Dawn completed a 20+ year career with AT&T and moved to work in her area of passion, addressing conflict within families and organizations using various tools and training and dialog. After receiving her Masters Degree in Conflict Transformation, she is now leading the firm Conflict Transformation Associates, LLC using her facilitation, mediation, ombudsman, and training skills to bring transformation to organizations.
Nicole Perrotta has over 15 years of entrepreneurial experience opening markets and growing business revenues within Fortune 100 companies and start-ups. Now, Nicole enjoys coaching and training in sales, emotional intelligence and best business practices in cooperation with Solutions Training Group. She is partnered with Conflict Transformation Associates, LLC as an ambassador and certified facilitator for the Program: Protecting All Children.

Zena Zumeta, internationally known as both a mediator and trainer of mediators. She is president of the Mediation Training & Consultation Institute, Zena Zumeta Mediation Services, and The Collaborative Workplace in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Zena is a lawyer and a former president of the Academy of Family Mediators. She is the recipient of the the Michigan Lifetime Achievement in Mediation Award; the National Education Association/Saturn Corporation Award for Union-Management Collaboration; the John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award; and the Kumba Award from the National Conference on Minorities in ADR.

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