(Originally posted on Absolution Mediation)

Remember the time when we...? So the other day I was... Well I grew up in...

We all tell stories, constantly. If you are explaining something to another person, you are more then likely going to explain it with an example. A story. Everyone has a story to tell.

I don't know about you but I love stories, I love to tell them and I love to listen to them. It was the way I was brought up, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that experience. The thing I love about stories is that it is always an adventure, there are lessons and experiences in each story that shape our lives. They are exciting! Especially stories that deal with conflict! Think about the stories you tell most often, stories where you encounter some sort of conflict with a person or object, and you succeed (against all odds if your telling it right... :).

This for me is the exciting thing about mediation. Two (or more) people sitting in a room and telling each other stories. Stories that are trying to find an ending. Stories that are in medias res (in the middle of) and searching for a conclusion. If you've heard really good stories you'll know that the resolution and/or ending of a story is always an exciting aspect of the story. For me to be able to help people come to a resolution and end/resolve that particular chapter/segment of their lives is something I feel very honored to be able to do.

How about you? What do you do when you have conflict in your story?

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