John C. Turley- There are two lessons to be learned from this experience. The first lesson validates the need for the mediator to be flexible and to sense when it is appropriate to assume the roles of the ally, strategist, coach or organizer to help the parties to recognize the value of collaborative team work for a common goal. The second lesson learned is to have a BATNA, a meeting plan to get to yes, and an agreed upon team negotiation strategy in hand prior to any important session.

Lynsee Swisher
Lynsee, a recent graduate of Creighton's Werner Institute, is an ADR professional with the Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County, in Washington. She is involved with ADR training, consulting, conflict coaching, as well as an advocate for family with autism.

Susan M. Diehl- ...Living your core values is more than putting a poster on the office wall, or holding asession to “embed” the values in the organization. Indeed, even if youare successful in aligning your employees around the values of yourorganization, it only takes one misstep (like the one above) to unwindall the good work that the organization has done to create thatalignment. Put simply, the organization is just one behavior away fromdestroying a positive reputation that may have taken years to build.So, how can an organization ensure that it is walking the talkconsistently?...
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Jeff Thompson- ...What I noticed right away and was simply astounded by was his posture. For mediators, ombudsman and conflict coaches, I often tell people to develop immediacy and rapport, one thing you should ALWAYS do (hey, I rarely use the word 'always') is face them. Especially while another person is talking, if you want to show you care and are interested, face them! Ditto for when you are speaking. Think about, seriously, close your eyes or just picture to yourself while acting as a mediator, ombudsman or coach and think- do you you face the person? Think now how would you feel if you were the client or party member and the mediator did not face you while he/she spoke and while you listened...
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Matthew J. Starman- ...As I search for hints and suggestions to get in field, I am bombarded with this lack luster advice, “Don’t quit your day job.” You mean to tell me after I have experienced the power of mediation, and chomping at the bit to get out and bring the power to the people I won’t have a line of people waiting for me to change their life? It was quite a sobering feeling, one I’m sure many of you have felt.
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