Noam Ebner- ...So far as the conference itself is concerned, this was certainly a successful event. New contacts were made, new ideas were voiced, and the borders of how negotiation could or should be taught have once again been challenged. I know that each time I challenged my own comfort or habit zones in conversations or workshops, I came out loaded with new ideas to try out, and newfound appreciation for people doing things differently than I am.

I’ve already described how Andrew and Vivian’s tea ceremony workshop was able to draw out a new kind of negotiation conversation, and indeed, this led me to join a group of teachers interested in exploring how negotiation can be taught through engaging in class activities that are quite decidedly not negotiation...

[Read More (2 replies)] [Check Out Noam's Blog HERE]


Jason Dykstra- Whenever I say Intent, Action, Effect it always feels like I'm saying lights,

camera, action!

Anyways...let’s take a moment and look at this model together. I really like this model because we are able to break down virtually every conversation we have and talk about what our private motives were and what was the public event/action that took place.

[Read More] [Check Out Jason's Blog HERE]



Nicole Bohe- I'm currently a law student at Creighton and also pursuing the M.S. in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution through the Werner Institute. This summer I will be blogging about new issues and ideas in the ADR field. I'm very interested in art and art history, so many of my posts will probably be slanted toward those subjects.


Join host Jeff Thompson and mediator and author, Victoria Pynchon (Check out Settle It Now Dispute ResolutionNegotiation Law BlogThe ABC's of Conflict Resolutionand She Negotiates). She shares with us what she believes are 20 characteristics of successful mediators.

 [More On The Series Here] [Visit The Blog

[Episode #22 Here] [Read the list of 20 Here]


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