What's Happening in Conflict Resolution [06.24.14]

"What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].

Online Courses at United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

Practitioners in governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations, the military, and the private sector require knowledge and skills to effectively respond to highly volatile, multi-actor, multi-sectoral landscapes in conflict and post-conflict environments. To help meet this pressing need, USIP established the Academy Online to help educate and train practitioners to manage and transform conflict in all its phases, from preventing conflict to post-conflict peacebuilding.

Academy Online courses bridge theory, research and practice to provide a rich learning experience that is academically rigorous, skill based and applied. The platform leverages online technologies, multimedia, and social media to effectively equip practitioners and increase retention of knowledge and skills learned. Practitioners worldwide can now access courses anywhere and anytime in a self-paced, online delivery format that enables convenient and flexible learning.

Key Features...

See more [HERE]. 

Read more about their FREE Introduction to Interfaith Conflict course [HERE]. 

Quick Tip: Hostage Negotiator's Tone of Voice

Jeff Thompson- Crisis and hostage negotiator's are involved in situations that are tense, stressful, and anxiety-filled.  In order to try to reduce the overwhelming emotions being experienced by the person they are trying to help, the negotiator's tone of voice is an important tool that can help move the conversation toward a peaceful resolution.

According to Strentz (2012, p.81), after interviewing numerous hostage takers, a theme that emerged was that frequently the hostage takers could not recall the specific things the negotiator said to them that contributed to them turning him or herself in. What they did remember however was the tone of voice of the negotiator- it was one of concern for them as a victim and in need of help.
More [HERE]. 

The truth is a Rabbit in a Bramble Patch

arguing about the truth

Tammy Lenski- “The truth is a rabbit in a bramble patch. And you can’t lay your hand on it. All you do is circle around and point, and say, ‘It’s in there somewhere.’”

I love this comment from Pete Seeger, relaying a simile his father often used...

More [HERE]. 

Cinnie Noble- This week’s ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) blog is not about cooking, though the title and the metaphor seems to conjure up the picture of soups and stews simmering on top of a stove. When it comes to conflict the expression – stirring the pot – is defined by one source as “to cause unrest or dissent”. It is an idiomatic way to explore what some of us do when we disagree with a decision, or it may be what we do in reaction to something another person does or says that we do not like, or it may be when we raise issues on purpose to encourage debate or to cause unrest for some reason.

More [HERE].

Stop the Dreaded Drama and End Destructive Conflict

Patricia M Porter- We have all experienced the drama when we engage in destructive and dysfunctional conflict. It is draining, damaging and downright unhealthy. Zena Zumeta will talk with the Texas Conflict Coach,Pattie Porter to discuss her new Minibuk Stop the Dreaded Drama: 55 Tips for Ending Destructive Conflict and highlight strategies to withdraw from the drama, reevaluate the situation, and reenter the conflict from a healthier and constructive approach.

More [HERE]. 

News, Events, Jobs & More

Job: FDIC Internal Ombudsman Specialist Job Announcement

Poverty & Peacemaking Conference at Princeton University

Fighters, Fleers, and Fixers

Be Your Own Argument

ODR 2014 Conference

Conflict Management Coaching Workshops

Werner Institute Newsletter - Spring 2014

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