What's Happening in Conflict Resolution [04.29.14]

The month of April is "Crisis Negotiation Month" at ADRhub.com.  It is a collaboration between the ACR Crisis Negotiation Section and ADRhub.com and it will bring you articles, tips, info graphics, and a webinar throughout the month.

Enjoy further below the final week's articles below
Secret Skills of Crisis Hostage Negotiators: Slow Down

If slowing things down works for crisis hostage negotiators, it can help you too

Don’t rush the process.

A crisis and hostage negotiation is a tense situation that can be volatile with lives being at risk so is it absurd that a critical skill for hostage and crisis negotiators is to slow the process down?

The opposite- rushing the negotiation- is a mistake however that has been made however by negotiators. Athough you are most likely not a crisis or hostage negotiator, think about situations where you have rushed things and the result was not what you wanted. 
Read more from PsychologyToday.com [HERE].

5 Steps To Negotiating Like an FBI Agent
(Drake Baer/Fastcompany.com) If you've ever spent time with human beings, you probably know that it's impossible to change their minds. So what if someone's life is on the line?

Then you call in somebody like Chris Voss, who was once the FBI's chief international kidnapping negotiator, working on about 150 cases worldwide over his 24-year career--and who is now a part of the Black Swan Group, his business consultancy.

“The idea of a durable agreement is the same in kidnapping as [it is] in business," he told Forbes, "only it’s a life-and-death issue."

Read more at FastCompany.com [HERE].  
Hostage & Crisis Negotiators: Nonverbal Communication Basics

Learn the skills used by these expert negotiators and how it can help you.
Law enforcement crisis and hostage negotiators are world-renowned for their ability to apply expert conflict resolution and communication skills in situations that are tense, (potentially) volatile, and where lives can be at risk.
Learning the skills that these professionals apply to their distinct negotiation setting is not only interesting but it can also help you.
...Nonverbal communication is not limited to solely “body language” but rather includes a variety of other elements.
Read more from PsychologyToday.com [HERE]. 
Social Media & Crisis/Hostage Negotiation Archive

Check out the webinar archive that was part of CyberWeek 2013 where you can learn about the increasingly important and impactful role social media has during law enforcement crisis and hostage negotiation incidents.
More [HERE]. 

Noam EbnerRead this great blog post by on Indisputably, by Jen Reynolds at University of Oregon School of Law. Jen describes an exercise that she presented at the ABA’s recent conference, which aimed at helping students develop “critical patience”, which dispute resolution practitioners need so much. Sure, we say “patience is very, very important” all the time – but how do we teach it, or help our students develop it?
Read more [HERE].

Reframing Extremism

Donald Ellis- There is no escaping requirement that any genuine and diligent effort to resolve Islam- West differences must confront extremism and violence. The first step, and this will be difficult for many, is not to view extremism as confined to Islam but to view it as a genuine relational term that is a reaction to economic and cultural issues.
Read more at PeaceandConflictPolitics.com [HERE].

NYSDRA 2014 Annual Conference RFP

Hurry up- time is running out to submit!

Don't 'Should' on Yourself or Others

Cinnie NobleHave you had the experience when a friend, colleague or family member tries to impose their beliefs, needs, values, or expectations on you regarding a way you handled a situation? I have never been fussy about sentences that start with “You should have...” and then a pronouncement of what the speaker thinks would have been more appropriate.

Read more [HERE]. 

Trainings, Articles, & More

Training Coordinator Vacancy

Moving ‘Beyond Neutrality’ and Cross-Cultural Training: Using World...

UPEACE Diploma in Social Innovation

Workplace Witnesses - How Bystanders Can Become Essential Allies in...

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