What's Happening In Conflict Resolution [03.22.16]

What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].

Video From Sydney Lindt Cafe Siege Conclusion

Cameras captured the moment the hostages fled the cafe as Man Haron Monis shot at the door.

The response of the NSW police, in particular their strategy of "contain and negotiate" with Monis as he held 18 hostages at gunpoint, was foreshadowed as a critical issue before the inquest by counsel assisting the Coroner Sophie Callan during her opening remarks on Tuesday.
Describing the "contain and negotiate" strategy as "at the heart of the police response", Ms Callan told the inquest the police's plan to storm was part of an emergency action plan, one which would only be triggered if a hostage was killed or injured.


...Police formed the "strong view" that the containment strategy could deliver a "peaceful negotiated outcome", the inquest heard.
"That view was based on matters such as Monis not having harmed any hostages, despite having threatened to do so, Monis not having reacted violently despite the escape of five hostages on two separate occasions and the fact that Monis' behaviour had not escalated despite most of his demands not being met," Ms Callan said.

Read more [HERE].

Elder mediation can help families resolve caregiving conflicts

While mediators have been used for years to help divorcing couples sort out legal and financial disagreements and avoid court battles, elder care mediation is a relatively new and specialized service designed to help families resolve disputes that are related to aging parents or other elderly relatives.

Family disagreements over an ill or elderly parent’s caregiving needs, living arrangements, financial decisions and medical care are some of the many issues that an elder care mediator can help with. But don’t confuse this with family or group therapy.

Mediation is only about decision-making, not feelings and emotions.

Read more [HERE].

Webinar: Ombudsing Across Borders, Tuesday March 29, 2016

Join Chris LaHatte for Ombudsing Across Borders Tuesday March 29th at 3 pm EST (12 noon PST; 5 pm GMT, Wednesday March 30 at 8 am NZDT). He will present information about: his work as the ICANN ombudsman, the way in which ICANN meets to develop policy using its bottom-up multi stakeholder approach, and how the Ombudsman model is used for dispute resolution and helping communication. RSVP to Gillian Saxby and she will provide you with the call login information.

Fairness, Trust, and Security in Online Dispute Resolution


The past fifteen years have witnessed immense growth in the application of technology in the field of conflict resolution. One area of particular interest is the growth of the practice and study of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), which has its roots in the worlds of technology and of Alternative Dispute Resolution. As the field of ODR develops, its terminology and conceptual frameworks require exploration and clarification, with special care taken to convey shared meaning between participants coming from the two contributing worlds noted above. 

In this article, we introduce three conceptual areas – key concepts in ODR – that would benefit from such clarification: trust, fairness, and security. We discuss multiple connotations and uses of each term, and explain why developing a clearer understanding of each would benefit the ODR field.
More [HERE]

Creighton's Center for Social Justice Graduate Assistantship

Interested in animating college students to put their faith into action by advocating for policy change? Have communications, design or marketing experience to help tell stories in a compelling way? Want to obtain a Master’s degree in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution? The Werner Institute has partnered with the Schlegel Center for Service Justice (SCSJ) to provide full tuition scholarship for the Masters of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (MSNCR) for the candidate selected as a Graduate Assistant in the SCSJ in Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. SCSJ is currently accepting applications through April 10, 2016 for the position. Any student applying or interested in obtaining a MSNCR, and interested in the SCSJ position is encouraged to apply.

For more details on the position click on link: SCSJ-Graduate-Assistant-Position-Description-2016-18

For more information on The Werner Institute and its MSCNR click on link: https://law.creighton.edu/werner-institute/about-werner-institute


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