On the 11th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks,

we remember all of those that were lost.

Despite ‘real’ progress in mediation efforts, UN can do more

13 September 2012 – The United Nations is much better positioned today to help settle disputes and conflicts peacefully, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says, while adding that there is still more that can be done to strengthen the world body’s mediation capacity.

“I am pleased to report that we are making real progress,” Mr. Ban told a meeting of the General Assembly on mediation, noting that with the support of Member States, the UN has worked hard to enhance its readiness to implement and support mediation processes.

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Cinnie Noble- One of the ways many of us deal with interpersonal conflict as soon as we get a whiff of it or it begins to evolve is to take flight. We may want to rise above it and just get away from any of the related tension. Or, we may fear a range of repercussions such as harsh words, upset, hostility, ongoing negativity, and so on. These and other reasons lead many of us to flee!

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Giuseppe Leone- According to the Exit Surveys of mediators who participate in our ACR Hawaii project Virtual Mediation Lab of online mediation simulations with Skype, the benefits of such simulations can be summarized as follows.

1) Mediators can practice with other mediators the skills and techniques learned during their basic or advanced mediation training

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