"What's Happening?" Blog is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more.  Check it out each week and view past news [HERE]

No Need to Keep Your Cool: Feeling Tense Can Boost Negotiation Skills

Symptoms of nervousness may actually help people get what they want, a new study suggests.

New research reveals that you don't have to keep your cool to get a bargain. The thought of having to negotiate over the price of a new car may trigger sweaty palms and racing hearts in some people.  However, new evidence reveals that physiological arousal isn't always damaging and may actually help some people get a good deal.

Read more [HERE]. 

With Age Comes Wisdom

Guest writer Julie Denny is presenting along with Debra Dupre and Zena Zumeta at the 2013 ACR Annual Conference

Today, when invited to “mediate a dispute”, any one of us may spend a fair amount of time interviewing parties involved in that dispute as well as other stakeholders in any given organization. Sometimes peers may become involved and often managers and supervisors who are not actually parties in the conflict.

Noam Ebner- ...99% of the population of the planet (a gross under-estimation!) have never taken, and will never take, a negotiation course. They will never buy a negotiation book (and even I buy negotiation books which sit on the shelf unread). They will never read my blog or my Facebook updates. How can the negotiation and dispute resolution field hope to have widespread affect, in a real and meaningful sense? In a nutshell, we need to face the challenge of educating those who are not our students.

Peace conference needed to resolve Syria conflict: Jimmy Carter

Helping Children to be Safe -- Programs of the National Crime Preve...

Patricia M PorterNational Crime Prevention Council has developed several initiatives to educate children and adults to help them be safe from crime. The McGruff Club curriculum for children ages six to ten provides prevention and safety education. When the Going Gets Scruff is a newly developed animated 3-minute DVD for kids ages five to eight to help them handle bullying situations. The Circle of Respect is designed to encourage respect and consideration for others. VOICES, a component of Circle of Respect, is geared to high school youth and is designed to allow teens to express themselves through poetry, rap, song, art – all original works – as it relates to their personal efforts to have a safe and happy lifestyle.

News, Trainings, Jobs & More

IRS's ruling on income taxation of same-sex married couples: some e...

Student Ombudsman at Jackson Community College

Basic Mediation Training Basic 40-hr., Mediation Training Streaming...

Calling all ADR students to the ACR

Another Example of Mobile Mediation with Ipad PC and Android smart ...

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