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How NOT To Mediate!

Don Sinkov/YourDivorceMediator.com- ...my trainer put them in separate rooms. He took me aside and said:

“This is what I do with every case. Folks come into the room, and whether they are yelling or not, I separate them right away and I go back and forth. Shuttle mediation, you know, put them in separate rooms, go back and forth and try to get them to agree. If you put them in the same room, they just yell at each other.”


Stonewalling in Conflict

Cinnie Noble/Featured Writer- Similar in some ways to the idiom ‘beating around the bush’ described in a previous ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) blog, the expression stonewalling refers to the tendency to avoid responding to a question or to be evasive. For me though, stonewalling seems to conjure up a stronger image of obstruction and uncooperativeness.

There are different opinions on where the term originated and according to one source, the first known use of stonewall was in 1880. The phrase generally means unyielding or immovable – like an actual stone wall or the famous Confederate General Stonewall Jackson. Reportedly, the most common use of the word means “to intentionally delay using specific tactics. Those gifted at the ...”.


Elect Mediators to Public Office

The Olive Branch Blog- Are you frustrated with the polarization that characterizes our political environment? Do you think that elected officials should set aside their partisan approach and work together to address our nation's challenges?


How To Keep Your Cool In Heated Situations

(Lydia Dishman/FastCompany.com)- We’ve all witnessed this. A wince-worthy moment when someone (our boss, colleague, family member) opens their mouth just wide enough to insert a foot.

...Not surprisingly, research shows that people with high emotional intelligence are good at self-regulating and helping others regulate emotions in interactions. If you’re still working on developing EI, fret not. Tumlin says anyone can learn to sit on their feelings in social settings. Tumlin suggests trying these strategies to maintain your own composure when your conversation partner is losing theirs...


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