Peace Core Values

Brad Heckman- So, I wanted to share New York Peace Institute's core values, which we built by consensus across the organization (with the help of our friends at Big Duck).  I keep them posted over my desk, and I read them daily, as a constant reminder that even the most mundane, bureaucratic tasks (of which I perform many) are in service to promoting a peaceful NYC. It never fails to put a pep in my step.  Here goes...

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Cinnie Noble- We aren’t usually aware of what peoples’ ‘hot buttons’ are except perhaps those of our family and friends and those we come to know well such as colleagues and co-workers. Even so, we didn’t always know what provoked them. New friends, colleagues and others start with a clean slate, too. It seems ‘hot buttons’ are things we often realize the hard way – through trial and error.

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This Week in the World of Conflict... February 13th-20th, 2012

Rebecca Sargent- TRANSCEND Peace University has opened its online courses in peace and conflict studies for the upcoming spring semester. TRANSCEND was founded by Dr. Johan Galtung, widely known as the father of peace studies.

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The Power of ICT: Peace Building around the Globe

 Amanda Tiradentes- The need for online dispute resolution platforms has been around since gains and losses were allowed in a virtual setting. As information and communication technologies continue to grow, the amount on online disputes is growing and new types of disputes are emerging. In reflecting on how technology has revolutionized the way we do business, we need to start developing ODR platforms that will support disputes that happen online and offline.

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Douglas Noll And Laurel Kaufer Win 2012 California Lawyer Attorney ...

Harvard Negotiation Law Review Symposium

Columbia Student Seeking Int'l Mediation/Negotiation Practitioners ...

INCORE 13th International Summer School 2012

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