“The Texas Conflict Coach® Radio Blog Show” December Series, The Best of 2013

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio announces the following episodes starting

in the month of  December, held every Tuesday night from 7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.  Please enjoy our top rated podcasts for 2013.  We will return live every Tuesday night beginning January 7, 2014.  Enjoy the Holidays!


To listen to our Pre-Recorded Podcasts, click on the designated link for each one.


December 3rd :   Brains on Purpose: Traits and States to Shape Your Conflict Fate

                           Guest:  Stephanie West Allen

                           Guest Host:  Zena Zumeta


                           Our brains are changing all the time. We can be in control of those changes or we can

                           have accidental brains, ruled by habit. Stephanie will show you how you can break

                           bad habits, set and reach goals, and maximize your ability to handle conflict through

                           a process of self-directed neuroplasticity.




December 10th:   Identifying Campus Bullies By Empowering The Bystander

                           Guest:  Tim Porter

                           Guest Host:  Mia Brooms


                            Appddiction Studio’s Stop Bullies district wide smartphone app empowers bystanders

                            to capture bully events as they occur and report them to school administrators in

                            real time.




December 17th:  NCPC and Cyberbullying Prevention: What’s New and What to Do

                           Guest:  Michelle Boykins

                           Guest Host:  Zena Zumeta


                           Home of McGruff the Crime Dog®, the National Crime Prevention Council’s mission is

                           to be the nation's leader in helping people keep themselves, their families, and their

                           communities safe from crime.




December 24th:  The Dangers of Teen Sexting

                           Guest:  Raychelle Cassada Lohmann

                           Guest Host:  Stephen Kotev


                            In this age of instant communication and instant gratification sexting has become all

                            too common for those in love. Teenagers are no different, while many teens openly

                            admit that they know it's wrong to send these sexual photos, many feel the odds of 

                            getting caught are so low that they are willing to take the risk.




December 31st   SAVE and National Youth Violence Prevention Week

                            Guest:  Argrow ‘Kit’ Evans

                            Guest Host:  Mia Brooms


                           The National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (S... is proud

                            to be a founding partner of the National Youth Violence Prevention Campaign. The

                            goal of this campaign is to raise awareness and to educate students, teachers, school

                            administrators, counselors, school resource officers, school staff, parents, and the

                            public on effective ways to prevent or reduce youth Violence.





Thank you for listening in and supporting our community efforts...Pattie Porter, Host, The Texas Conflict Coach®

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