“The Texas Conflict Coach® Radio Blog Program” February Series

The Texas Conflict Coach® Blog Talk Radio program announces “Your Brain on Conflict” Series starting in the month of February, held every Tuesday night from 7:00-7:30 pm CST/8:00-8:30 pm EST.


To participate, either go to the designated link for each program or call-in

live at 347-324-3591.


February 5th:   Your Brain on Conflict: “Resistance is Fertile”

                          Guest:  Scott Rogers     


                          What happens in our brain when we are engaged in an emotionally-charged conflict?

                          Neuroscience or brain science has emerged with answers that help us begin to

                          understand the physiological, emotional, and cognitive impact on us in these types of

                          situations. One method for dealing with these intense situations is called mindfulness.

                          We will explore what mindfulness is and share tips for how to practically apply

                          techniques to manage conflict and the emotions you experience.





February 12th:   Rewire Your Brain to Speak Your Mind

                          Guest:  Anastasia Pryanikova


                          Every conflict contains a seed that in the right conditions can germinate into a new

                          understanding, deeper awareness, and creative possibilities. The inner workings of the

                          brain can advance or hinder this process. This program will explore implications of

                          current neuroscience research for communication, social interactions, conflict

                          management, and influence.




February 19th:  Brains on Purpose: Traits and States to Shape Your Conflict Fate

                          Guest:  Stephanie West Allen

                          Host:  Zena Zumeta


                          Our brains are changing all the time. We can be in control of those changes or we can

                          have accidental brains, ruled by habit. Stephanie will show you how you can break bad

                          habits, set and reach goals, and maximize your ability to handle conflict through a

                          process of self-directed neuroplasticity.




February 26th:  'The Juggling Brain: What Neuroscience Tells Us About How the Brain Manages  


                           Guest:  François Bogacz

                           Host:  Stephen Kotev


                           We all have to manage conflicts in our brain on a daily basis, not only with others but

                           with ourselves: making the right decisions, choosing between options, between

                           objectives, allocating our time and resources, etc. Our session will cover what

                           neuroscience has to tell us about how the brain manages all of those conflicts and how

                           can we use those findings to improve our well-being and effectiveness from a social,

                           emotional and cognitive standpoint.




Thank you for listening in and supporting the program...Pattie Porter, Host, The Texas Conflict Coach®

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