(Originally posted at Absolution Mediation)

Have you ever asked the question, “How are you doing today?” What do you expect from the answer? Do you expect the usual response of, “I’m doing ok,” or “I’m good, you?” I think we are all guilty of asking questions and hoping for an answer that we don’t have to talk about further. What would happen if you asked someone how they were doing and they gave you an honest response?
I have to admit that I’m guilty of the above as well, but definitely have followed up the question with, “How are you really doing?” It’s a simple question, and really, the same question that I asked before, but people rarely answer it the same way. Instead, I get a real answer, I find out how they are really doing. This follow-up question says to the person, “I’m genuinely asking you how you are doing.” Keyword there: GENUINE.
One of my favourite speakers is Gary Vaynerchuck (link: his website) and he commonly talks about “giving a shit” about people. That’s how you make connections, that’s how you show someone they actually matter to you. One thing about communication (for me) is that if you don’t give a shit, it will come back on you, and people will see right through that. Be genuine and people will also recognize that, and you will find that more people appreciate you and the work you do when you take time to converse with them.
Try it out this week, ask someone how they are really doing and then take the time to ACTUALLY listen to their responses and ask them questions about what they are talking about. Be genuine. Give a shit.
Let me know how it works for you!

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