As the sang goes, never discuss politics or religion. Today, I am going to break that rule. One cannot ignore the amount of political propaganda going on. Political ideologies are spewed out for all to hear in rallies hoping to reach the all important undecided vote. I often find myself fighting a battle on the inside on which side to listen to and support. Each side often has some valid points, but some ideas make me cringe a bit. I want everyone to have a fair shake at opportunities, but why should have to pay for others? I respect life but who am I to force my beliefs on others? I went back and forth on writing this blog, being that I was so undecided. In a way it seems to parallel the thoughts of our nation now. It is saddening to see the amount of hatred and distrust people have for the leaders of our country, or for the other side. This type of conflict can only hinder our performance in collaboration. After all, I truly believe that the majority of US citizens want the same thing, a safe country, a stable economy, and a great future for our kids. I would be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't share this ideals.

With that, I wanted to get some ideas about what we as ADR professionals can do to help the political system out. Perhaps this is the time to use our influence as a neutral. Allow each side to express their story much like a mediation. While this may be incredibly tricky, it may help each side show their platform without being smeared by the other. As the system goes now, I remember more of what the republicans say about the democrats more than what the democrats say about themselves, and visa versa.

Outside of the neutral position, one could be an advocate for an idea, a party, or a candidate. We could coach current members on how to handle conflict within state and national congress. Each side always complains the other just gets in the way, so if we could coach them on how to be more collaborative, it would increase the chances of having a productive session. Its a lofty idea, maybe even a dream, but if we don't try it really won't work.

These are just a few ideas to start off with. What other ideas do you have that could help the political system?

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