Negotiation and ADR Teachers - Resource Share

At the ABA's DR conference in Miami, an initiative that had started the previous year turned into a tradition: Several dozen teachers offered each other use of their teaching materials to enhance each others' classrooms. It was such a wonderful environment to be in, and offered a great packet of take-aways for teachers. Below, is a write up of the materials shared, complete with links you can use to access them if these were available. Also see the attached .pdf, which describes several other materials / activities which were shared.

Kudos to Bobbi McAdoo and Sharon Press of Hamline University's School of Law for organizing this session! I'm looking forward to the hat-trick already.


Legal Educators Resource Share

These resources and recommendations for teaching were shared amongst a group of negotiation and dispute resolution teachers attending the ABA’s Dispute Resolution Section annual conference, April 2014.

The Resource Share session was organized by Bobbi McAdoo and Sharon Press, of Hamline University School of Law.

When possible or relevant, this summary of the resources recommended provides links for easy access to the resources. Also see the Resource Share Handouts .pdf, which includes some resources which are not included here and describes how to access and use them.



Rough Day @ Work: An online mediation simulation (can be done in the classroom as well), complete with teaching guide – Noam Ebner and Yael Efron


Pasta Wars: a Prisoners Dilemma simulation-game, complete with teaching guide – Noam Ebner and Yifat Winkler



ADRHub: Resources, webinars, articles and professional social networking for the ADR community – Professor Marjorie Corman Aaron is sharing materials for “didactic offerings in method and content for lawyer-client interviewing, counseling, and decision-making through bad news and other legal realities.”  Password: educator Currently no charge. University of Washington Evans School of Public Affairs offers “The Electronic Hallway” an “online repository of quality teaching cases and other curriculum materials for faculty who teach public administration, public policy, and related subjects.  Many Hallway cases include teaching notes, and other resources created by experienced teachers.”  Free with letter of copyright permission


Online Conferences

Cyberweek, the annual online conference on online dispute resolution, is hosted on ADRHub every November ( )




 Hamline University Dispute Resolution Institute Mediation Case Law Videos  free (short and usually funny videos highlighting results from real court cases involving mediation)


ADR Careers Speaker Series Audio Files

Negotiation Solutions to Your eDiscovery Problems – Symposium Audio Files


UC Hastings College of Law Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Free Resources for Professors (see attached)


ABA Section of Dispute Resolution/Suffolk University Law School Center for Representation in Dispute Resolution Mediation Video Center  free  (ID: teacher Password: ABA123)


This American Life Episodes

(#516 Listen to the prologue – used to teach Thomas-Kilmann modes of conflict)


#358 Social Engineering (6/27/2008) “Governments are always looking for ways to change behavior—stopping people from driving drunk, or encouraging them to recycle. This week, we have stories of social engineering on a smaller scale” – first 4 minutes are with Tim White, an interrupter


New York Times

Article called “Harvard Business School Case Study Gender Equality” September 7, 2013 (includes video on hand-raising – can be used for gender discussion)


NPR and Planet Money are running a series on women and negotiation -


Recommended TED Talks

Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy

Diplomat Carne Ross


Recommended TV Shows

House of Cards for gender issues



Recommended Movies

The Squid and the Whale [Assignments: Write up mediation agreement, or pick a dispute to mediate and explain why

Crash – pick a dispute to mediate

12 Angry Men

Let’s Talk

Wedding Crashers  - opening scene

Face to Face – Australian movie



  • Significant Learning Exercise (see attached) submitted by Donna Erez-Navot
  • “Cooking Up a Deal – Negotiation Recipes for Success  shared by Andrea Schneider –
  • Student Presentations  - No matter what the topic of student presentations required in your course, require that they present them as though they are presenting at a professional / academic conference - including dressing professionally, creating a title and session description  for the “conference brochure”  - shared by Jen Reynolds
  • Diversity Lesson Ideas – talk personally about diversity issues; use Public Conversations Stereotyping exercises; write a role play on diversity issues shared by David Hoffman

Assign Implicit Association Test (IAT) 

  • Mediator ethics materials – ABA Section of Dispute Resolution National Clearinghouse for Mediator Ethics Opinions
  • Have students write a mediation brief before watching video (e.g., Margaret Shaw)
  • Have students mediate Prosando or The Last Dance and then watch the video of a professional mediating the same dispute


Tools – cloud meeting company.  Can be used to “bring” guest speakers from out of town to class


Written Material

Tan Pan: The Chinese –English Journal on Negotiation

A joint project of Hamline DRI and the International Institute for Conflict Engagement and Resolution (ICCER) in the Department of Law and Business at Hong Kong Shue Yan University, this bilingual Journal is intended to provide a home for a vigorous, interdisciplinary, and jointly practitioner/scholar intellectual life for the mediation field in China.  The journal is available as a free download.


Rethinking Negotiation Teaching Series

On the website, you will find pdf versions of all chapters in the 4 volume series.  No charge for use in teaching or training provided that copies are distributed at or below cost, you notify Hamline DRI of your use ( and you provide attribution. 


‘Rebooting’ the Mediation Directive: Assessing the Limited Impact of its Implementation and Proposing Measures to Increase the Number of Mediations in the EU Study


Psychology for Lawyers: Understanding the Human Factors in Negotiation, Litigation, and Decision Making By Jennifer K. Robbenolt and Jean R. Sternlight -- Teaching about cognitive and social psychology is highly relevant to problem solving, to ADR and to litigation;knowledge of psychology can help connect these fields.   It is available on the ABA web site,, and also through Amazon.  NOTE: the ABA allows Jennifer and Jean to make up to two chapters available to interested professors and their students for free, for use in a particular class.  To take advantage of this offer the professor should e-mail Jean at


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