Well, most of 'loyal' readers know by know that I am doing a PhD on Nonverbal Communication. Have a look at my YouTube submission for Griffith University's "3 Minute Thesis Contest" in which each contestant has to describe their thesis for an academic audience in, you guessed it, only three minutes.
The three main concepts of my research, and described below, are Nonverbal Communication, Mediation, Semiotics, Ethnography and Thin Slice Methodology.
Below the video is also the Prezi presentation as I know it is not easy to see it clearly on the video.
Enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!

Views: 94

Comment by Jonathan M. Hernandez on July 8, 2011 at 8:32pm
Great job Jeff, I work with people everyday, and have learned that gestures and body language are essential to every conversation.  Not to brag, but I've been blessed and able to work with thousands of people one on one. If there is anything I can do to help please don't hesitate to contact me.
Comment by Aspen Villanueva on July 14, 2011 at 8:03pm
Great job Jeff, very clear and concise with useful content and presented well!
Comment by Nicole Bohe on July 16, 2011 at 7:10pm

This was an awesome "contest" - I'm sure it got people thinking how to concisely and coherently present their work. A good skill for anyone to work on...


I was wondering if there are any major downsides to using thin slice methodology? Should I put a word limit on your answer to further enhance your competition abilities? (-; 

Comment by Jeff Thompson on July 17, 2011 at 3:54pm

Thanks for the great comments Aspen, John & Nicole.


Nicole- I think thin slice methodology is a great qualitative option... of many.  For my particular research, I think it fits well, and my readers will ultimately decide if it is present in a plausible manner.  Previous research on the thin slice method I have found to be very thought provoking and having a great deal of validity.  

As for the word limit- no, this isn't twitter! :)


John- thanks for the offer.  I'll send you a private message.


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