Mediators Around the World Improve Their Mediation Skills with Skype - Pilot Project from ACR Hawaii

On November 7, 2011 our Association for Conflict Resolution – Hawaii Chapter – – launched a new pilot project called Virtual Mediation Lab. Its goal is to show how mediators around the world can practice and improve their mediation skills by participating – with other mediators – in online simulations via Skype.

How our simulations work is explained and demonstrated in a 3-min video posted on

1 – Online Sims via Skype Work Even On the Other Side of the World
From here in Hawaii we have already run 10 simulations with mediators who live in different Italian cities - – on the other side of the world.

So far, the results are very encouraging. For example, at the end of each simulation, all 3 mediators/participants are asked to grade the usefulness of that simulation – on a scale from 1 (it was a waste of time) to 10 (it was a very useful experience). Their average grade is now 9.5.

1.1 Simulating Different Cases
We simulate commercial, family, workplace, and international disputes.

1.2 Applying Different Mediation Methods
Since many mediators are not familiar with transformative mediation, we will start simulating cases in which, without prior knowledge of the parties, the mediator will apply that method and techniques. That way, the mediators who participate in our pilot project will be able to experience by themselves the fundamental differences between facilitative and transformative mediation.

2 – Online Mediation Simulations via Skype Across the USA and Around the World
Starting March 1, 2012 we will start running simulations with mediators across the USA and around the world. All they need is:

>> PC or Mac with the latest version of Skype
>> Having attended a basic mediation training
>> Being available for our simulations at 1:00pm Hawaii Time – for approx. 90 minutes

To sign up, they fill in an online registration form available on our website

Giuseppe Leone

Views: 183


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