I came across a post by Steve Mehta detailing his quest to go paperless and how the iPad is helping. He lists some apps (applications) which he uses which helps him with his mediation and law practice.

Click this link to read Steve's full post and his description of each app [here].

Below are some apps that have helped me in my conflict resolution practice which includes mediating, training, giving presentations, consulting and planning/system design.

Dropbox: After Steve mentioned this at a talk, I went and downloaded it. Due to the iPad not having a USB port, drop box makes things much easier to transfer files. 2GB of data storage comes with the free version (which I use). You can easily sync multiple devices as well as give access to certain folders to other people you choose.

Blogpress: (see picture above) For blogging on the go (I am typing this in Australia on my iPad through this app) and when you do not have an Internet connection, this app is perfect. I can type them on the go and publish them later.

SignMyPad: This great app allows you to open PDF files and add signatures directly onto the documents. You can also add check boxes, text, dates, and check/X boxes. Admittedly I have yet to use this for writing up agreements during mediations but this is a great app to have.

Twitter: This app allows me to tweet from iPad. Simple enough!

iBrainStorm: This app is like a virtual cork board. I am able to write down quick notes either directly onto the board via 'sketch' and/or add post-its to the board via the keyboard. Great for reminders, brainstorming, and creating lists.

NotePadPro & SundryNotes: Both of these I have used for note taking during mediations. They each combine text writing via the onscreen keyboard as well as the 'sketch' mode. Neither one is perfect. NotePadPro allows you to delete either just text or drawings but does not allow you to add written keyboard text anywhere but rather always starting from the top. SundryNotes allows text to be started anywhere but erasing option is not as simple.

PDFReaderPro: This is an app that (surprise surprise!) allows you to download and read pdf files. Yo are able to store them on the iPad but you are not able to make notes on the files. I plan to check out Iannotate that Steve recommends in his post.

Keynote: This is Apple's version of PowerPoint. If you are designing a presentation on the iPad, this for me has been my only attempt. Major drawbacks include exporting is as a pdf file so you loose all your transitions if you have them included. Also, I have tried repeatedly to connect via a adaptor (costing $30) to a monitor and it has yet to work. Even if it does, for presentations, the iPad screen goes black with just an arrow to click to the next slide. That's right, you cannot see your presentation or even a clock on your iPad screen.


Some accessories that I recommend:

Carrying Case: The official Apple carry case which has a cover and also converts to a stand to have the iPad rest in landscape or portrait mode. [See here]

Stylus: For apps like the above mentioned 'SignMyPad', this is a must. The one I have is by pogo and well worth it. [See here]

Keyboard: I use the Apple Bluetooth wireless keyboard for typing longer blog posts and documents. It runs on a AA battery and is small and easy to travel with. That said, I find using the carry case and landscape mode very useful for typing so this is really on a 'must' for those in transition or for extended writing sessions. [See Here]

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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