International Ombudsman Association Offers Webinar Series on Workplace Bullying

IOA has announced its first-ever webinar series. The four-part program will focus on bullying in the workplace and builds on a recent edition of the Journal of IOA that focused on the topic of bullying. Expert speakers come from several disciplines and organizations, and each of the programs qualify for Certified Organizational Ombudsman Practitioner continuing education hours.

Webinar #1: Bullying for the Organizational Ombudsman (Nov. 17, 2011, 3:30pm EST, 90 min.)
Instructors: Mary Chavez Rudolph, Associate Director, Ombuds Office, University of Colorado, Denver; Tom Sebok, Director, Ombuds Office University of Colorado, Boulder
An Overview and introduction to the topic of Bullying for the IOA Webinar series. This webinar will also focus specifically on Ombuds coaching of individuals as well as the threats to Ombuds neutrality and other challenges faced by the Organizational Ombudsman. Participants will have a greater awareness of bullying and its effects on individuals and the organization.
Strategies and skills will be presented so that participants will have greater knowledge and skill in dealing with the difficult conversation with alleged targets, alleged bullies and supervisors of alleged bullies. We will briefly introduce systems change strategies to address a climate of bullying.
Webinar #2: Using Mediation and other Facilitated Processes to deal with Workplace Bullying and Harassment (Dec. 14, 2011, 3:30pm EST, 90 min.)
Instructor: Barbara McCulloch, The University of Auckland, New Zealand 
The practice of dealing with workplace bullying can be challenging for all concerned. Some practitioners choose not to use mediation as an intervention when dealing with accusations of workplace bullying and I'd like to discuss why we might do so. In this presentation my intention is to talk about the need for a range of responses to concerns about bullying; the importance of a triage process; why we should separate out the informal practices from the formal; the costs and benefits of each and to talk about why, in my view, it is primarily the visitor who chooses which process to use for their particular matter. 
I will be relying on a summary of the situations which have been raised with me in my role at The University of Auckland, and will concentrate on the mediation aspect of the process, rather than the preliminary coaching and triage processes (which are to be covered in other presentations). 
I will attempt to address issues of power and power imbalances and dealing with those in mediation; the issue of Omni- neutrality (being on everyone's side) when mediating workplace harassment matters and to using narrative techniques in mediation to deal with the relevant stories of the parties to the mediation.
Webinar #3: Bullying – You Know What The Problem Is, Now What Do You Do About It? (Feb. 9, 2012, 3:30pm EST, 90 min.)
Instructor: Jan Morse, Ombudsman, University of Minnesota 
Want to put a little more focus on the 'organization' into your role as Organizational Ombudsman? This session looks at a systems and evidence-based approach to addressing destructive behavior within an organization. Learn how to develop a model to address problematic behavior, including stakeholder analysis and strategy mapping to chart your course.
Webinar #4: What does the research tell us about workplace bullying? (Mar. 14, 2012, 3:30pm EST, 90 min.)
Instructor: Dr. Loraleigh Keashly, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Wayne State University, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts 
From my perspective as a researcher and professional in the area of workplace abuse and bullying, I will share some of the current thinking and research findings that may be useful for ombudsmen in their deliberations and assessments as well as in their intervention and management of these hostile behaviors and relationships. These findings may support and in some cases, may challenge current thinking and action by ombudsmen.
The webinar is open to everyone and individual programs may be purchased. (IOA Bullying Webinar.)

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