One of the ways many of us deal with interpersonal conflict as soon as we get a whiff of it or it begins to evolve is to take flight. We may want to rise above it and just get away from any of the related tension. Or, we may fear a range of repercussions such as harsh words, upset, hostility, ongoing negativity, and so on. These and other reasons lead many of us to flee!

It takes courage to be in conflict and it takes courage to know when to walk or run away from it, too. A pattern of choosing to flee as a way of handling conflict may, however, be detrimental to us and our relationships. Things don’t get discussed or resolved; hurt and other related feelings linger; assumptions build; distance develops; etc.

It isn’t necessarily an easy task to determine when flight is the optimum approach. However, it helps to consider any inclination to run away from conflict. This week’s ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) blog invites you to reflect on any tendency to choose flight over other techniques that may serve you and the situation better. Please consider a specific time you chose to flee when responding here.

  • What do you think you were fleeing from? Or, if fleeing is a common habit, what are you fleeing from at these times?
  • What were/are you fleeing to?
  • What makes flight the optimum way to manage conflict? Not so optimum?
  • What fears do you have about yourself at the times you choose to flee?
  • What fears do you have about the other person at these times?
  • What do you need most from the other person when you are beginning to consider fleeing from a conflict situation?
  • What alternatives to fleeing may serve you better?
  • How would that choice (those choices) be better?
  • Which one resonates most as something you would like to do?
  • What do you need to overcome to be able to take that approach?

What other ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) may you add here?

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