Change the Interaction, Change the Outcome


Louise and William's new book, Being Relational, details seven ways of being in relation to others that capture the heart and soul of all that is self-help, grounded in method, and supported by relational conflict theory and brain science findings. The ways of being that promote quality face-to-face dialogue and lasting positive change are rooted in teachings from many sources and are also inspired by the experience of thousands of people for whom the Senfts have mediated, fostering personal strength and connectedness through quality interaction. In this program, Louise and William will share insights into their practical and inspiring approach that the listeners can immediately apply to their stressful interactions as well as, check in on and grow into, as a way of being in relation to others.

Louise Phipps Senft and William Senft (Baltimore, MD) are business and law professors, mediators, lawyers, entrepreneurs, parents of five children, and in William's case, youth sports coach and clergy. In their many years of experience at their firm, Baltimore Mediation, Louise and William have gained a unique perspective on the ways that leaders and others manage conflict, experience conflict, manage themselves in conflict, solve problems, build relationships, and make their way in the world. They are the founders of the nonprofit ORANS: The Campaign for Relational Leadership and the ORANS Institute for Relational Leadership, which were created for the purpose of developing leaders who will transform stressful interactions with quality dialogue to create lasting positive change in their daily negotiations, organizations, families and communities.

More Information: Louise Phipps Senft and William Senft

Stephen Kotev is a Washington D.C. based conflict resolution consultant offering mediation, negotiation and facilitation services, conflict coaching, training and somatic education to private and government clients. He holds a Master of Science degree from George Mason University’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution and a black belt in the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Stephen is a nationally recognized expert on how to maintain your performance under pressure and the Chair of the Association for Conflict Resolution’s Taskforce on Safety in ADR.

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