A Prayer for Clients Tapping Into Energy Source

Praying is one strategy we can use to align with our clients for success. Some time ago I posted on praying for the workforce on my blog.  This topic is curious and comes up again in my work with clients when using the Interpersonal Wellness Quotient (IWQ™). Prayer is a vital energy force that we can tap into to align our energy with our clients’ to do better and bigger things in their lives. Interpersonal Wellness System theory reminds us that we are interconnected by social vibrations and when we pray for our clients (or with our clients should it be appropriate and they are open) it is one way to align our energy to theirs and tap into immense power they would not otherwise have experienced. This came up recently working with a client who was really struggling. He inherited two high need children in a new relationship and he did not want children. This inner conflict is crushing him and impacting his moods, life and work; he really wants the relationship but the children apparently have ADD and other oppositional disorder issues. He felt caught in a bind and absolutely overwhelmed.

In one of our sessions together, he was very overwhelmed and I asked if I could align with him to tap into the source of power to bring a deeper awareness, insight and wisdom to his situation. Although he claims to hate religion, he was open to a new way, the time was right and the request felt natural to make and he was open and receptive. He later informed me that that he felt better and was appreciative of this exercise. I think sometimes as practitioners, we take on too much of our clients issues, leading to compassion fatigue and our own misalignment. In my work with the Interpersonal wellness coaches and facilitators I mentor, I often remind them to be empathetic and detached. This includes being aware of their limitations and knowing how to set boundaries to support their own wellness. I strongly believe we are better able to serve our clients when we take good care of our own wellness.

How do you remain detached and empathetic? What strategies do you use to maintain mindfulness and renewal for yours and your clients’ wellness?

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