Cinnie Noble's Blog – November 2013 Archive (4)

Digging in our Heels

The meaning of “digging in our heels” according to one source is stubbornly resisting something or refusing to change, i.e. an opinion. The same source states that the origin is “probably related to the fact that if a person or an animal resists being pulled forward, the body will lean backwards and the heels will dig into the ground as the legs resist the forward motion.”

When we hold…


Added by Cinnie Noble on November 28, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

"I Didn't Mean to Ruffle Your Feathers"

By now you will know I like metaphors and idioms as ways of providing a creative context to consider conflicts and their impact. There is something fun and interesting about doing so. What else I find is that looking at conflict with a different lens also helps my coaching clients (and me when I am in conflict) to gain distance from the emotions and the event.

The topic today – about the metaphor to ruffle someone’s feathers - conjures up an image I smile about. I find I can easily…


Added by Cinnie Noble on November 21, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

Getting Off on the Wrong Foot

Getting off on the wrong foot refers to those situations that sometimes happen during first encounters with others. This may be at the beginning of a relationship, project, discussion, or any other interaction, when we find ourselves off to an unproductive or uncomfortable start. Something may have happened in our interactions to create these experiences or we pick up something that is off-putting. Someone else may have gossiped to us about the person and their negative views stuck with us.…


Added by Cinnie Noble on November 14, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

Letting Go

For many of us when a conflict is ostensibly over there are residual feelings and emotions. I have referred to these in previous blogs as the remnants from past conflicts that shroud future conflicts when our feelings and/or the issues in dispute have not been resolved. This post further explores the act of ‘letting go’ of the remnants of conflict.

All sorts of circumstances affect whether and how and how fast we move past our conflicts. Certain people, certain sorts of disputes,…


Added by Cinnie Noble on November 7, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

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