Cinnie Noble's Blog – August 2013 Archive (5)


As you know, last week’s ConflictMastery™ Quest(ions) blog was entitled “Apologizing” and specifically what constitutes an effective apology. This week’s blog asks more and different questions about making apologies. Doing so can be challenging for some of us – depending on the circumstance - as we do not always know if they will be received well and if the other person is ready and willing…


Added by Cinnie Noble on August 29, 2013 at 9:00am — No Comments


It often happens after an interpersonal dispute that one or both people apologize for something said or done that upset the other person. We may realize our actions were not warranted or that we said something that hurt the other person. We may have shared long-held sentiments that had remained unspoken and then, observe the negative consequences of doing so. We may have acted out of malice and on reflection, admit what we said or did was mean-spirited. The list goes on and any number of…


Added by Cinnie Noble on August 22, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments


After a conflict is over, it helps to ‘take stock’ of what happened and to learn from the experience. One of the definitions of this idiom – ‘to take stock’ – relevant to a conflict situation is “to think carefully about a situation or event and form an opinion about it, so that you can decide what to do”. Another pertinent …


Added by Cinnie Noble on August 15, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments


The derivation of the expression “Achilles’ heel” dates back to an ancient legend. The story goes that Achilles’ mother Thetis dipped him into the river Styx to make him invulnerable. One of his heels was not covered by the water though, and as a consequence he was later killed by an arrow wound to the heel that was exposed. The expression – Achilles’ heel – is used till this day as a metaphor for…


Added by Cinnie Noble on August 8, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments


I remember my mother using the slang expression ‘slow burn’ when she was feeling angry at someone about something she or he said or did. The sentence started, “I’m doing a slow burn ever since Mary….” Luckily, we seemed to be a family that regularly used idioms, so I didn’t literally think of her burning. But, I do recall asking her, “What is a fast burn?” and her response, “Well that’s when I boil over!” I had observed both so knew what she meant.

So, to bring in my mother’s…


Added by Cinnie Noble on August 1, 2013 at 5:00am — No Comments

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