David Silvera


Tel Aviv


Profile Information:

What is your profession and title?
Mediator, Dr. and university lecturer and Conflic Resolution Trainer
What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
Since 1989 I'm a university lecturer teaching Political Science & Sociology and in the last 15 years training mediators for the Israeli courts.
I'd director of a mediation center (Silpar (Israel)Ltd) and Academic director of school for conflict resolution (Derachim -Pathways) and Editor of WWW.SULCHA.CO.IL
I served for 5 years (Until 2010) as chairman of the the Israeli chamber of mediators.
What, if any, ADR organizations or groups do you belong to?
....... The Israeli Chamber of Mediators
The Israel Adult Education Association
(Deputy president and chairman of the International relations committee).
What are you hoping to get from ADRhub.com
Information, learning from the experience of anthers, attending seminars and conferences,cooperating with who ever wish to cooperate with me, may be teaching or lecturing from my experience. ete....
Do you/your company have a website?
What other ADR related sites do you visit?
mediate com.

Israeli websites.
What else do you want to tell the ADRhub.com community (what you are up to, what you would like to do in ADR, etc.)
I would like to develop my professional abilities, specifically on inter and inner cultural mediation and religion diffrencess ,
In every day life I do commercial and family mediation but i have strong interest in community, cultural and religions relations.

Comment Wall:

  • Noam Ebner

    Hi David - Welcome to ADRHub!


  • Naomi Stal

    Ma Nishma Dovid?  I have sent you an invite.  My dream is to move to Israel and mediate.