Naomi Stal


Sherman Oaks, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your profession and title?
Mediator, President, The Mediation Company, P.L.C.
What is your ADR experience? (trainings and education)
I have a BSW in Social Work, a JD in law, I am a licensed member in good standing of the California Bar.

I have more than 200 hours of mediation training through:
Baltimore Mediation Center, Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, & Los Angeles County Bar Association.

I am trained in transformative, facilitative, and evaluative mediation. I try my best to practice transformative mediation unless I am specifically asked to use another style.
What, if any, ADR organizations or groups do you belong to?
Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation
Los Angeles County Bar Association-DRS
What are you hoping to get from
Connect with people
Learn new theories and trends
Learn and Teach
Do you/your company have a website?
What other ADR related sites do you visit?
What else do you want to tell the community (what you are up to, what you would like to do in ADR, etc.)
I am trying to start a revolution. There is no reason that disputes such as divorce should be "settled" in a court room. Parties spend a lot of money looking for justice that they never receive.

Mediation should be utilized in the beginning stages of conflict before everyone is stuck in their positions.

Comment Wall:

  • Bryan Hanson

    Hi Naomi, welcome to the ADRHub. I am with you in the revolution intentions. We are working very hard here in Nebraska to educate parties on their options when they are facing a divorce. Please feel free to post discussion topics, articles or reply to posts you feel need further discussion. Take care, Bryan
  • Jeff Thompson


    Welcome back! :)

  • David Silvera

    Thank you, Naomi, for your friendship.

     I appreciate it.
