Throwing a pen across a room. Finding a quiet place to sit and cry. Noticing that you suddenly hate your manager and you don't know why.
Emotions at work – do we generally allow space for them?
Organisational health is related to a complex sequence of interactions; the people, how they are, what they are hoping to achieve, resource quality and availability, practical processes, leadership and a range of other factors.
I am a workplace mediator and my focus is on the interpersonal relationships within organisations. Are people dealing effectively with difficult and awkward personal interactions – or not? Do the employees have good skills for managing themselves and each other?
I have recently been invited to work with a few schools – helping them look at specific issues of internal conflict and after doing this work found myself reflecting on the organisational impact of negative conflict.
I thought members of this group would be interested in this. Read the full article here from by Nigel Singer: