What's Happening in Conflict Resolution" is a weekly round up of the all the ADR news, jobs, events and more. Check it out each week and view past versions [HERE].

This Is the Secret to a Successful Negotiation

Know when to leave the table.

The Leadership Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership. Today’s answer to the questionHow can you be a good negotiatoris written by Rod Drury, CEO at Xero.

Good negotiation doesn’t necessarily mean that to win, the other party has to lose. A good negotiator will work toward a win-win scenario, always considering the deal from the other side’s perspective.

Read more from Fortune.com [HERE]. 

Challenging The Myths Surrounding Divorce Mediation

Dr. Lynne C. Halem

Myth: Divorce Mediation Only Works When Spouses Can Communicate Well

Fact: If that were true, CMDR would be out of business. It is the mediator’s job to facilitate communication between spouses. A skilled mediator can draw out the less communicative party and help him or her vocalize ideas. The mediator is the catalyst in bringing about negotiation, compromise and agreement. However, it is the couple that decides what is fair and emerges as better communicators as a result of the mediation process.

Myth: The Divorce Process Moves Faster with Attorneys

Fact: The logistics of one spouse meeting with his attorney, and then waiting for the other spouse to meet with her attorney to review a proposal and come back with any changes are overwhelming and time consuming at best...

Read more at Mediate.com [HERE]. 

How to Prepare for Mediation


Elizabeth Esrey- I enjoy the people I work with immensely. They may not realize it but I often learn more from them then I suspect they learn from me. Each mediation renews my belief that people are willing to listen, learn and create resolution in the interest of peace, time, and fiscal responsibility.

People ask how I succeed in getting so many mediation agreements. Frankly, I don’t gage the success of a mediation based on getting an agreement...

There is no guarantee that a mediation will yield an agreement. Over my twenty plus years of mediating, I am less focused on that. Instead, the greatest benefit of mediation is the opportunity to have a difficult but direct conversation in a safe place where various opinions are heard and considered. The listening and learning that comes from mediation, is often the greatest gift. 

Read more from the HuffingtonPost.com [HERE]. 

HNT Skills: What is Grit?

Crisis Negotiator Blog- There are plenty of articles written about the skills of effective crisis hostage negotiators. I should know I have written a bunch myself! 

We have read plenty of times the importance of active listeningbeing calm, verbal/non-verbal communicationslowing things down, and building rapport but what is it that keeps us sharp and competent to continually assist people in the midst of a crisis? 

Is it "GRIT"?

Angela Duckworth tells a compelling story why it very well might be grit and how it is what keeps us going forward.
Read more [HERE]. 

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