Webinar Sept. 2012: Reading People: Reliable Cues From The Face & Body



Reading People: Reliable Cues From The Face and Body

Presented by Maggie Pazian


The face can display over ten thousand unique facial expression combinations. However, there is a distinct set of muscular configurations in the face that are directly responsible for communicating emotions with universal properties. Happiness, anger, sadness, contempt, disgust, surprise and fear make up the 7 basic and universal emotions that all people regardless of background display using the same specific set of muscular combinations on the face. Universality and spontaneity of these emotional expressions are what make facial expressions so uniquely insightful and reliable vehicles to people reading.The interactive webinar will present the science and background behind the universal expressions and provide insight into the different types of expressions including those that are attempts to conceal ones true emotions.


About the Presenter:


Maggie Pazian is an internationally accredited trainer in the science of nonverbal communication and behavior, emotion perception and deception detection.


Maggie has more than ten years of experience in both field and academia. She specializes in the field of emotion recognition, micro-expressions, body language, FACS and cues to deceit; creating dynamic skill building programs for private enterprise, not-for-profit and federal organizations.


The focus of her training is to translate the insights developed from cutting edge research on emotion, create applications and develop training for those interested in improving their communication and people reading skills.


Maggie launched her career as a consultant in nonverbal behavior while working with Dr. Mark Frank, the leading researcher in facial expression, interpersonal deception and behavioral observation. She has led efforts on deception research projects with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation and the Transportation Security Administration. Maggie is also a lead trainer for the Institute of Analytic Interviewing and Emotional Intelligence Academy and has guest lectured for FLETC.


Maggie is President of VisualEmotion LLC, established in 2006 at which time her company was contracted by the Department of Homeland Security for its expertise in FACS (Facial Action Coding System). VisualEmotion also provides FACS coding services to academic researchers, government organizations and market researchers seeking to pursue insights in emotion and facial expression.


Maggie appeared on the Discovery Channel show Monsters and Mysteries in Alaska in March of 2010 and has co-authored several papers and presentations on deception detection.




Maggie Pazian


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Could you please let us know when the slides are uploaded? Thank you in advance. Jessica.

Hi, ADR Hub Professionals-

I would also like to know when the archives or slides are available.  I was signed up to attend; however, my computer went on the blink and I was unable to be a part of the learning process.  Thanks!

Hello all, sorry for the delay in getting the archive uploaded. I just returned from the ACR conference in New Orleans and will have the archive uploaded this evening. It was a great presentation by Maggie. Please feel free to continue the conversation here.

The archive is now available for viewing. You may simply hit play on the media player above and watch at your leisure. As I mentioned in the last post, please feel free to continue the conversation by posting your comments and questions in this forum. Enjoy!

The webinar, from my perspective, was educational and insightful.  Truly, there was so much information here about emotional responses encoded in our facial expressions that I did not realize.  In a meaningful way, these are important skills to have, and tools to use, in our conflict management approaches with clients.  Thank you enormously for the presentation!


Thank you Anthony, your feedback is greatly appreciated. There is a lot more information around this topic. I only had time to touch on three of the emotions here but there are 7 in total and all are very valuable. Triggers are equally important as well to understand which can help us evaluate the reasoning behind the emotion. 

I found Maggie's presentation to be invaluable in my sales and mediation work.  As a salesperson, I am constantly taking the pulse of the customer and watching for the micro signs and the non verbal cues to assess their position and where I stand when I am presenting a new concept.  Maggie's presentation is helpful to read the signs when speaking with management.  I specifically remember my manager's flaring nostrils, glaring eyes, and lowered brows as he was reviewing my monthly report.  My numbers were lower than expected.  His facial expressions, the context, and the atmosphere spoke volumes to me.  I was in trouble not so much for what I did as for what I was not doing to satisfy his principal interests.  My numbers were in the wrong columns which upset him since he wanted to roll all of the reports up into one for his presentation to the VP.

Actually, this manager had a personal dislike for me since my numbers were acceptable within the range of minimum expectations.  I had to be perfect in every way to avoid his wrath.  When I first met him, he was not my boss, but a rising star within the organization.  His facial expression was contemptuous.  I had a feeling at that very moment that "something wicked this way comes!"

In mediation, the non-verbal expressions mean everything.  After 35 years of sales, I am used to watching the participants closely to match the words to their behavior, particularly the body language and the non-verbal signs.  I learned so much from this webinar since Maggie's ideas are critical to my survival in both fields.  Thank you once more Maggie!


Dear Maggie,

I am attending Cyberweek for the first time and am amazed with cyber community (feel free to call it this way) here, willing to share, inspire, communicate and understand, accept, support and help. This long list is on purpose with one reason: to remind ourselves what we miss sometimes in relationship (and much more) to stay honest and truthful.

Bryan, thanks for providing us with the documents. Remembering is important process in change management.

Working with preschool children I have learned about direct communication, honesty, patience, importance of reflection and self-reflection.

Young people taught me that being honest could be dangerous sometimes. One needs to be careful. Also, sometimes it is useful to play fake in order to be integrated and accepted.

Colleagues taught me that even you disagree with your boss, it is better to keep (and talk about it behind the back) it than to react and directly express feelings and thoughts. I would disagree, even some people sometimes think they could loose their job (existential fear?). Think that fear factory power should be reduced. Should be? How? What is the right way to react towards anger? How to protect yourself? How to protect others from our anger?

Role of art in emotion literacy education? Education from early years? Good practices examples?

Sharing such a resources is one way of empowering each other. Different cultures (environments) encourages different behavior. We agreed that all around the world there are 7 basic emotions. The question is which of these 7 is promoted within each of hundreds of communities, societies, cultures and numbers of civilizations. Or, these word are just the curtain in front of the one reality - HUMAN BEING.


Miloš Dilkić

Educator and Entertainer




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