4 Things To Do When Emotions Flare - WEBINAR with The Center for Understanding in Conflict

Many people are uncomfortable around emotions.  When feelings run high and hot, some professional’s’ gut reaction is to keep the parties apart.  After all, we are trying to solve a problem, not provide therapy. However, like it or not, conflict precipitates passionate reactions and sometimes those responses are challenging.  There is good news though . . . if we can learn to work through the emotional reaction –instead of trying to avoid it—we have a better shot at finding a superior solution to the problem.

This one-hour long webinar with Katherine E. Miller will offer tips and tools to help you maneuver through conflict situations when emotions are high.

If you are unable to attend the webinar, please know that the presentation can be emailed to you afterwards to watch when you are available.  Past webinar attendees have found the information to be “helpful” and “inspiring”.  We hope you do too!

What: 4 Things To Do When Emotions Flare

Date: July 20, 2016

When: 11 am Pacific, 12 noon Mountain, 1 pm Central, 2 pm Eastern

Who: Katherine E. Miller and The Center for Understanding in Conflict

To Register: www.understandinginconflict.org

Cost: $25

Views: 115

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