Conferences and Events

ACR Workplace Section’s Conflict Coaching Committee Please join Rita Callahan for this month’s teleseminar as she presents a collaborative problem-solving approach that a 14,000 employee company is using to build trust and organizational conflict competence. This new approach also helps employees to work collaboratively in identifying and solving workplace issues early and for themselves on Thursday, November 30, 2011.

ACR Elder Section-When The Mediator is not alone with the Parties: ... on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 12:00PM - 1:00PM. This program will among other topics examine roles of each professional involved in the mediation process, as well as address concerns regarding the maintenance of boundaries while sharing needed information among those providing service to the same client.

ACR Chicago Chapter What Is Ombuds and What Do They Do
: This program will be instructive and helpful to mediators and HR and other employment and conflict resolution professionals. The event will be held Wednesday November 30, 2011 at the DePaul University College of Law.

ACR Arizona Chapter and hosted at ASU Law School: Reflections on Te... on Saturday, November 19, 2011. Keynoter is Richard Fincher, J.D. Program will be followed by lunch and networking

ACR Greater New York Chapter and The CUNY Dispute Resolution Consor...The event will take place Thursday, December 1, 2011.


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