Understanding the Benefits of Online Dispute Resolution 10-25-11 8pm est


The archive for this radio show is now available for streaming at BlogTalkRadio 


Join us for Cyberweek 2011 – the annual virtual conference dedicated to the innovations and developments of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) hosted by Werner Institute at Creighton University via ADRHub.com. This show will focus on how online dispute resolution processes are used to deal with disputes, the various forms of ODR processes, and the benefits and challenges to using virtual communications.

The show highlights ODR experts in the field. 

Noam Ebner, Assistant Professor and Online Program Chair at the Werner Institute for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at Creighton University. He currently divides his time between his home in Jerusalem, Israel and his teaching, training and consulting activities in the U.S. and abroad. He established Tachlit Mediation and Negotiation.

Colin Rule, is the CEO of Modria.com, an online dispute resolution provider in Silicon Valley. He also served as eBay and PayPal’s first director of Online Dispute Resolution, and is the author of Online Dispute Resolution for Business.

Dan Rainey is the Chief of Staff for the National Mediation Board. He joined the NMB from private practice in ADR and conflict management in April, 2001. He is responsible for managing the agency’s internal programs, and he has full responsibility for implementing the Board’s policies in all matters coming under its jurisdiction in the administration of the Railway Labor Act, except for those related to the Board’s legal representation program and FOIA requests.



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that was fun today, guys -- thanks to everyone for the great questions!


It really was! Big thanks!

Anybody who wants to hear the show - it is archived here.


Colin Rule said:

that was fun today, guys -- thanks to everyone for the great questions!


It was great hearing all you perspectives- in just 45 minutes!


Well worth the listen for those who missed it live.

Colin, you're very handsome on radio!!


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