Twitter Chat 2013

Moderated by Jason Dykstra & Jeff Thompson


This year's twitter chat topic for CyberWeek 2013 @ 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/1am GMT Monday evening will offer an update on all things related to technology and conflict resolution. Join Jason and Jeff as well as leaders in the field to share your thoughts and comments.

All you need is a twitter account, tweet (free to "lurk" too) and follow the hashtag #CyberWeek.

Not sure what a twitter chat is?
More on twitter Chats here:


Moderator Bios:

Jason Dykstra is a Conflict Management Specialist helping businesses, congregations and families move from conflict situations to creative solutions.  When he's not knee-deep in conflict, Jason is helping conflict management professionals market and grow their business.  For more information on Jason you can look at his website or Follow Jason on twitter at @JasonDyk.


Jeff Thompson is the co-administrator of  He is based in New York City, and is a professional mediator, works in law enforcement, and is currently a Research Fellow at Columbia University Law School  while also working towards his PhD at Griffith University Law School. He has given given public talks and trainings across the world and writes for media outlets including PsychologyToday and the The Conversation.  Follow Jeff on twitter at @NonverbalPhD &@MediatorJeff.


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Look forward to joining y'all on Monday evening. Please make a correction to the date from October 4th to November 4th.

Pattie :)

And my website is actually :-) 


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