The Dark Side of Mediation: How A Mediation Can Lose Credibility

From John L. Watkins mediation blog:

I once had a case in mediation where my client was willing to make a major concession that went far beyond standing on its legal rights, which, in this particular instance, were quite clear. The mediator appreciated our approach, thanked us for being reasonable, and went to the other room.

However, after meeting with the other side, the mediator informed us that the other side did not think that this was a major concession, even though the mediator readily acknowledged that it was.

Apparently unable to move the other side off of an unreasonable position, the mediator started asking my client to make additional compromises. It was almost as if the mediator was saying, "Well, I can't talk any sense into them, so I'll try beating on you for a while, even though I think you are right." Needless to say, this went over in our room like a lead balloon.

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