Tammy Lenski- This blog post has been ten years in the making. That’s how long I’ve been developing and fine-tuning conflict pivots, then working on the book.

I’m here to tell you The Conflict Pivot went live on Amazon yesterday. My virtual book tour begins today, complete with gifts and prizes…read on for details.

Print edition

The print edition of The Conflict Pivot is now available on Amazon and Amazon Europe. The Kindle version will be available at the end of June. Print editions will be available in your local independent U.S. bookstores after that. Other online platforms, including iBooks and Nook, will come in October.


The book’s main page here on my site is at The Conflict Pivot: Turning Conflict into Peace of Mind and it will always show the latest information about the book, along with links to some of the more popular purchase options.

Virtual book tour

If you were around here in 2008, when my first book came out, you’ll recall I did a virtual book launch and threw a big party, including gifts for readers. It was such a hit I’m going to do it again.

Over the next few days I’ll be telling you about prize drawings you can enter using your purchase receipt for the book (no need to wait…go ahead and buy today — please!). And I’ll tell you about a special drawing just for folks who help me spread the word about the book.

The party starts today with some free resources for everyone:

Are you wondering…?

Is it possible to get a signed copy? Yes. Hire me to come speak to your organization or group and I’ll include books and a book signing as part of the event. Or help me promote the book with a radio interview or something similar and I’ll get you a media copy.Contact me with your idea.

Will you be doing an in-person book tour? Not really. The economics of in-person book tours are beginning to send them the way of dinosaurs. That said, if you’re in New England or New York’s Capital District area and want to line something up, contact mewith your idea and we’ll see what’s possible.

Can mediators make use of what’s in the book? I know that some of you who follow this blog are fellow conflict resolution professionals. This book is for you, too! Later in the summer I’ll be offering teleseminars on the ways to use conflict pivots in mediation and conflict coaching work.

Thanks for your interest in The Conflict Pivot.

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