Negotiation is a form of persuasion that requires the ability to communicate effectively in order to achieve a mutually agreeable outcome.  Your ability to negotiate can have a profound impact on your success in life.

When you are offered a job, salary is something that is typically negotiated.  Research shows that while 80% of employers are willing to negotiate salary, the vast majority of job candidates never even try to see if they can get more money or other benefits.  That’s a shame because over 70% of individuals who do ask for an increase receive it.

The art of negotiating can pay off handsomely, both financially and personally... 

Before the negotiating process:

  1. Approach the negotiation as a form of problem solving, with both parties working together to arrive at a solution.  Keep in mind you’re not adversaries; you’re two parties working on the same team.
  2. Find out everything you can about the other party.

Read more [HERE].

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