Learn about the criteria and diverse skills needed to be part of the original law enforcement hostage negotiation team

Crisis and hostage incidents are known for being stressful, unpredictable, tense, anxiety-filled, and emotionally driven.  Add to this volatile concoction is that these incidents often can involve violence that has been threatened or having already occurred.  A midst these chaotic incidents New York City Police Department hostage negotiators emerge to provide the antidote to the ensuing turbulence. 

...In order to be successful the goal must be firmly established.  HNT members engage people in a crisis situation using specific communications tools. First, this is done by showing empathy; second by building rapport; and third, by developing trust over time with the subject (person experiencing the crisis). This is crucial as it then allows the negotiator to begin influencing the subject to re-evaluate their situation and allow the negotiator to work collaboratively with him or her.  Maintaining the subject’s self-determination is important, as it is he or she that needs to come to that conclusion and make the decision to choose a peaceful end.  The negotiator, needing to be charismatic, in essence is a guide providing assistance during the journey. 

...The following are important skills NYPD hostage negotiators use time and again that contribute to successful negotiations (but by no means intended to be an exclusive list). Note, although you might not be a law enforcement crisis or hostage negotiator, these skills can be applied to a variety of other negotiation, business, professional, and social settings as well:
“Talk To Me” (Listen More, Talk Less)
“Talk To Me” is the motto of the HNT for a reason.  Expert NYPD negotiators listen much more than they talk.  It is not merely a motto but more accurately it is a foundation of which all the skills are based on. Inviting the subject to talk makes the first impression that the negotiator is there to listen.  This can come across as a surprise and therefore start the process of building rapport.
Think about it when you were last upset- would you rather talk or have someone else do the talking?  HNT negotiators realize before any type of substantive negotiating can begin the subject needs to tell their story. The “Talk To Me” approach builds trust and rapport, as well as displays empathy.
Read the full article at Mediate.com [HERE].

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