Call for Proposals
Summer Academic Ombuds Meeting
June 26-27, 2017
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
The 15th Annual Summer Academic Ombuds Meeting Planning Committee invites you to submit an abstract to present and lead an interactive discussion at the 2017 Summer Academic Ombuds Meeting. The meeting will take place at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.
The Summer Meeting provides an opportunity for academic ombuds to become better acquainted, to share concerns unique to our professional environments, and to support and learn from each other’s experiences in a relatively-intimate, informal setting.
To apply to speak at the Summer Academic Ombuds Meeting, please submit a short, 1-2 paragraph description of your topic, the format of your talk, and the length required (20 minutes to 1.5 hours). The Planning Committee strongly prefers interactive discussions and audience participation.
Topics are limited to those relevant to academic ombuds, but can relate to anything in that realm, including: challenges facing academic ombuds; ombuds as change agents; and ombuds as leaders. Additional ideas for presentations could center on diversity and inclusion, the Clery Act, ombudsing in our post-election climate and ombudsing in a digital age.
Please submit your proposal to no later than February 23rd, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Lynn Burton, Associate Ombudsperson at Michigan State University by phone at (517) 353-8830 or by e-mail at We look forward to your submission!
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