Special Course: Collective Memory, History & Conflict (In Madrid & Online)


"Collective Memory, History and Conflict"
(NDR 720) (3 credit hours)

The Werner Institute at Creighton University Graduate Program (M.S. in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution)pleased to offer a summer elective course entitled "Collective Memory, 

History, and Conflict, in Madrid, Spain, June 14 - 21, 2014.  Students enrolled in this course will 

explore the various roles that memory can play in conflict engagement. We will visit heritage sites, museums, and monuments in Madrid, Spain to illustrate the role of collective memory in conflict.  Additionally, this course has an online component between June 2 - June 13, 2014.

Course description

Memory is the manner in which humans process, remember, store information and reconstruct prior experiences.  Memory also allows us to learn from our experiences, adapt, and build relationships.  Through memory we can determine if someone has kept a promise, store our perceptions about individuals, and predict future actions.  In many ways we construct who we are based on our stored memories.  When memories are shared and agreed upon by a group, they become collective memories. Collective memories produced within society are passed on from generation to generation and through these collective memories, individuals can "recall" events that they have not personally experienced (Hallbawchs 1992: 38). Memory allows us to connect with others, but it can also create differences that lead to conflict. Memory can be an instrument for social justice, or a tool for perpetuating injustices. Collective memories influence individuals, organizations, and countries.     

This one-week, three-credit course enables students to address the various roles that memory can play in conflict engagement. We will visit heritage sites, museums, and monuments in Madrid, Spain to illustrate the role of collective memory in conflict. We will also challenge most of the literature in mediation and negotiation regarding conflict resolution as being future-oriented.

Learning outcomes

Through participation in this course, students will:

  • define collective memory.
  • understand how people remember their experiences of conflict and how do they influence conflict narratives and their identities.
  • Identify the role of memory in violence, peacemaking, and forgiveness
  • explore the manners in which memory can be divisive and how it can be unifying.
  • explore how museums, heritage spaces, and monuments institutionalize memory.
  • understand memory transmitted through generations and how does it lead people to remember events they have not experience.
  • understand what is the relationship of unlived experiences with conflict
  • understand the role of collective memory in promoting social justice and in perpetuating social injustice.
  • explore collective memory as a way of creating counter-narratives.
  • demonstrate meaningful participation in personal and group reflection.

 Who is eligible?

This course is available to Werner students (online and campus-based), Creighton University Graduate School students, DNP and Ed.D. students and Werner alumni.


  • This is an introductory course. The assigned readings assume no prior knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore, there are no prerequisites for this course.
  • Students interested in applying would need to complete and submit the Creighton University Summer 2014 Faculty-Led Program Abroad (FLPA) Application.
  • As part of the application process, each applicant must meet (in person or virtually) with Prof. Jacqueline N. Font-Guzmán.

Course Schedule

Online Component                          June 2 - 13, 2014
Class Meets In Spain                      June 14 - 21, 2014
Time to Submit Final Assignment    June 22 - July 11, 2014

Visit [HERE] for more information (see the left side of the page). 

For more information, please click on the links below or contact Professor Jacqueline N. Font-Guzmán, Associate Professor at the Werner Institute, Creighton University (jnfont@creighton.edu).

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