Requests for Submissions from Trainers for Maryland Council for Dispute Resolution Master Classes

Requests for Submissions for MCDR Master Classes

The Maryland Council for Dispute Resolution is seeking submissions from trainers for Master Class Offerings for Fall 2012 and Winter 2012-13.  We are looking for 4 hour or 8 hour trainings to be given for dispute resolution practitioners.  MCDR provides the location, does the advertising, performs the registration and provides the refreshments.  The trainer designs and presents the training as described in their submission.  Many of the participants need to have training for the Circuit Courts or for other rosters they are on.

Topics which might be of interest include:

  • Getting Past Impasse
  • Strategies for Power Imbalances
  • Writing Agreements
  • Neuro-Linguistic Approaches to Mediation Challenges
  • Responding to Emotion in Mediation
  • Caucusing? Benefits/Costs and When to Use

We strongly encourage you to submit Master Class topics which are exciting to you and in which you have some expertise.  MCDR's intent in offering master-level classes is to provide opportunities for the registrants' professional growth, and to enhance their skills and techniques

Financial Arrangements with Trainers for Master Classes

Four Hour Trainings
Cost for attendees:  $75 for MCDR member and $125 for non-members -10 person minimum

$100 per hour for the trainer with the rest to MCDR.  Once the training income (less any rental or cost) is $1,400 or more, then the income will be divided 50/50 between the trainer and MCDR.  MCDR's Grebe Fund can be used for scholarships to assist people who can't afford to pay for the training.

Eight Hour Trainings
Cost for attendees:  $160 for MCDR members, including lunch, and $230, including lunch for non-members. - 10 person minimum

$100 per hour for the trainer, with the rest for MCDR.  Once the training income (less the costs) is $2,800 or more, then the income will be split 50/50 between the trainer and MCDR.  MCDR's Grebe Fund can be used for scholarships to assist people who can't afford to pay for the training.

Please provide the following:
1.  Name(s) and contact information of trainer (including phone, email and address)
2.  Proposed topic
3.  Description of the proposed training along with whether it should be 4 or 8 hours in length and what kind of training space would be needed.

4.  Which month/date you would prefer to offer the training
5.  Brief description of trainer's background, including training experience.

Please email responses to Ramona Buck; MCDR Education Committee; or send to her at 1319 Stateside Drive; Silver Spring, MD  20903 by July 15, 2012.

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