Policy Analyst Position at CADRE

Below please find an announcement for a Policy Analyst position at CADRE, The National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education.  In order to apply for this position please send the following to arrive no later than July 22nd:

  • A letter of interest
  • Resumé or vita
  • Any other supporting materials that you would like CADRE to consider

Please send the materials or direct any questions to:
        Marshall Peter, Director
        PO Box 51360
        Eugene, OR 97405
        (541) 686-5060

Please note that we will not contact current employers without first securing the applicant's permission. Thank you.

The National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education

"Encouraging the use of mediation, IEP/IFSP facilitation, and other collaborative strategies to resolve disagreements about special education and early intervention programs."


Since 1988



Position Need: Policy Analyst

The National Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) has been funded since 1998 by the Office of Special Education Programs at the US Department of Education.  CADRE works with state and local education and early intervention systems, parent centers, families and educators to increase the nation’s capacity to effectively resolve special education disputes, reducing the use of expensive adversarial processes.  CADRE provides easy access to information and assistance that supports the implementation of effective dispute resolution systems and enhances the capacity of parents and educators to collaborate, problem solve and ultimately arrive at a shared vision of how a child’s education/early intervention needs can appropriately be addressed.

The Policy Analyst will join a team of committed professionals who work to promote appropriate and effective dispute resolution among families and schools.

Skills, Knowledge, Abilities:

  • Thorough knowledge of IDEA policy and regulations
  • Familiarity with state special education administration, particularly dispute resolution systems
  • Facility with standard software applications (MSWord, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis (primarily descriptive statistics)
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • A strong work ethic with excellent teamwork skills

Overall Responsibilities: The Policy Analyst works in partnership with the entire CADRE team and in particular, the Senior Policy Analyst, on a variety of tasks. It is anticipated that responsibilities associated with the position will change over time as a reflection of changing OSEP priorities as well as amendments to the law and regulations.  Additionally, we expect activities related to this position will reflect the interests and expertise that the hired Policy Analyst brings to the CADRE team.

Responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  • Planning and organizing the summary and analysis of state Annual Performance Reports on dispute resolution activities (reading reports, summarizing critical information on progress/slippage, improvement activities, writing summary chapters for OSEP)
  • Providing (targeted and intensive) Technical Assistance to CADRE clientele on:

o   Dispute resolution policy, including understanding regulatory requirements and their implementation

o   Data collection related to required state reporting as well as other data elements

o   Program planning and evaluation for improving dispute resolution system performance


  • Participating in project planning and evaluation (design, scheduling, formats, summaries)
  • Participating in identifying state level best practices in dispute resolution through review of state materials and reports
  • Compiling and integrating annual Table 7 data on state dispute resolution activities into the CADRE Longitudinal Dispute Resolution Database
  • Preparing an annual summary and analysis of national dispute resolution system performance and trends for all states/entities
  • Preparing state specific summaries of dispute resolution performance and trends as requested (as a part of targeted or intensive TA)
  • Preparing materials on dispute resolution systems and performance to present at national conferences (1-2 per year) and via distance education methods (webinars, video clips, etc.)

Compensation: The starting salary range for full-time is $55,000 -$65,000 plus modest benefits.  The position is ideally located in Eugene, OR and involves working with a tightly-knit, enthusiastic team that cares passionately about the Center’s work.


For more information about this opportunity contact:

Marshall Peter, Director
P.O. Box 51360
Eugene, OR 97405-0906
(541) 686-5060 

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